Demo of the FREE version of Price List
Tomatensaus, mozzarella & vegetarische pepperoni
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, pepperoni, champignons & Gouda en cheddar kaasmix
Tomatensaus, extra veel mozzarella & extra veel pepperoni
Tomatensaus, mozzarella, ui, paprika, vegetarische kip, verse tomaat & pizzakruiden
Tomatensaus, 50% minder mozzarella, spinazie, ui, paprika, gegrilde kip & verse tomaat
In this demo we show you can add custom fields in various places of the price list table.
You can use all sort of custom fields like text-boxes, images, etc. and use as many custom fields as you need.
There are 4 positions to place your column.
- Before Name
- After Name (before description)
- Before Price (after description)
- After Price

9 piece Chicken Nuggets are made with 100% chicken breast meat in a deliciously crispy coating, just waiting to be dipped. A firm favourite with everyone.

Strips of tender chicken breast in a seasoned, crispy coating.

New freshly prepared salad with lettuce, cucumber, sliced tomato.
In this example the price is only visible for Registered Users
We have hidden the regular price column by adding this code in the custom css field.
.pricelist-category-27 .price-cell {
display: none;
(replace 27 with your category ID)
And we have added a custom field which is only visible for Registered Users
It has a pump mechanism allowing more or less paint to flow to the nib, and therefore very good dosage when applied to the surface to be painted.
It has a pump mechanism allowing more or less paint to flow to the nib, and therefore very good dosage when applied to the surface to be painted.
It has a pump mechanism allowing more or less paint to flow to the nib, and therefore very good dosage when applied to the surface to be painted.
It has a pump mechanism allowing more or less paint to flow to the nib, and therefore very good dosage when applied to the surface to be painted.
It has a pump mechanism allowing more or less paint to flow to the nib, and therefore very good dosage when applied to the surface to be painted.
Pizza (multilingual)
Tomatensauce, Mozzarella & vegetarische Peperoni
Tomatensauce, Mozzarella, Peperoni, Pilze & Gouda-Cheddar-Käsemischung
Tomatensauce, extra Mozzarella & extra Peperoni
Tomatensauce, Mozzarella, Zwiebeln, Paprika, vegetarisches Hähnchen, frische Tomaten & Pizzagewürze
Tomatensauce, 50 % weniger Mozzarella, Spinat, Zwiebeln, Paprika, gegrilltes Hähnchen & frische Tomate